Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Los Angeles Earthquake

Wow! That was a good earthquake we experienced today here in Los Angeles! I live at the beach and my house was "rolling" and shaking. I could hear my old beach house creak and crack a bit as I watched the telephone poles and wires shake from side to side!

What a trip! Not "the big one" but just enough to make you sit down and think, wow... how big is this going to get?

Top 5 Things to do in case of an earthquake?

Precautions to be Taken During an Earthquake

* If you are indoors during an earthquake, drop, cover, and hold on.
* Pick a safe place where things will not fall on you!
* It is dangerous to run outside when an earthquake happens because bricks, roofing, and other materials may fall from buildings... OOOPS that's the first thing I do every time!
* Wait in your safe place until the shaking stops.
* Move carefully and watch out for things that have fallen or broken. Be ready for additional earthquakes called "aftershocks."

Think I'll go surf for awhile, It'll be safer out there!

Stay fit, stay sharp!


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