Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Los Angeles Earthquake

Wow! That was a good earthquake we experienced today here in Los Angeles! I live at the beach and my house was "rolling" and shaking. I could hear my old beach house creak and crack a bit as I watched the telephone poles and wires shake from side to side!

What a trip! Not "the big one" but just enough to make you sit down and think, wow... how big is this going to get?

Top 5 Things to do in case of an earthquake?

Precautions to be Taken During an Earthquake

* If you are indoors during an earthquake, drop, cover, and hold on.
* Pick a safe place where things will not fall on you!
* It is dangerous to run outside when an earthquake happens because bricks, roofing, and other materials may fall from buildings... OOOPS that's the first thing I do every time!
* Wait in your safe place until the shaking stops.
* Move carefully and watch out for things that have fallen or broken. Be ready for additional earthquakes called "aftershocks."

Think I'll go surf for awhile, It'll be safer out there!

Stay fit, stay sharp!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Willpower to Survive Home

Can the kids' willpower survive a trip back home? Find out on a new Student Body, only on The ... N.

<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">Surviving Home</a>


Student Body- Reality Sets In

After weeks of teaching the kids how to eat, when to exercise, and how to always move forward to their dreams... now they have to go home and practice!

On the bus back to school, reality sets in. See it in this sneak peek of a new Student ... Body, only on The N.

<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">Reality Sets In</a>


Student Body- Do You Love Food?

These kids "think" they love food.. what is that they really want?

In this Student Body extra: We all have complex relationships with food, and they don't make losing weight any ... easier.

<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">Do You Love Food?</a>


Student Body- Who's Going Home?

Things are changing quickly on Student Body. It's getting tougher each day for these kids and some of them won't be able to hang.... Who's going home? Check it out!

See who got sent home on the latest episode of Student Body, then tune in for a new premiere ... only on The N.

<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">Who's Off the Team?</a>


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How to Lose a Girl in Two Voicemails!!


The story is this - a girl was out with friends having drinks on King Street in Toronto. This guy approaches her and won't leave her alone - saying how cute she is. She finally gives in and hands the guy her business card.

Beyond Funny! Wow!



Saturday, July 19, 2008

** Un-Cut UFO Footage over Los Angeles 7-18-08

I walked out my back door saw this and ran for the camera!! This is UNCUT version of the UFO I recorded!!



Friday, July 18, 2008

LIVE UFO Recorded Over Los Angeles 11:20 pm!! July 18th 2008!

I walked out my back door a few minutes ago and saw this circle of lights zipping around the sky... it was awesome!!! Got my heart pumping! You could here the UFO
making an energetic- humming noise!! wow!!


eric carlson

Fitness-Advice Interview Eric Carlson

Eric Carlson
Fitness Model
Hermosa Beach, CA

Originally born in Chicago, IL, Eric grew up in Round Rock Texas where he excelled at sports. Although his early years were complicated by tragedy in the form of domestic violence, Eric was determined to rise above the suffering. He attended college in Arkansas and Iowa where he played football. Illness sidelined the young athlete when he was diagnosed with dangerously high toxicity levels. The doctors eventually had to perform surgery and his life began to transform. After his recovery, Eric was determined to learn the proper way to maintain perfect health and fitness.

Eric Carlson - Fitness Model Statistics

* Name: Eric Carlson
* Height: 6'2"
* Weight: 200-208 lbs.
* Hair: Brown
* Eyes: Brown
* Location: Hermosa Beach, CA

Eric Carlson - Fitness Model Background

fitness-advice: What's your background? How did you get started in the fitness modeling field?


I have been an athlete since I was a kid. Always playing sports, playing in the dirt, or climbing trees. Until I was sidelined as a college football player after a severe illness that almost took my life, I was a pretty fit person. After the emergency surgery to save my life, I fell into a slump of years of depression that included heavy alcohol & drug abuse to ease the pain of not being strong and fit anymore. After a surgeon told me later that my condition would repeat itself in about ten years, I knew I had to prove them wrong so I decided to research more and more about the human body to improve my overall body strength. You see, the surgeries, I had two major ones in less than 30 days on my kidney, were so painful I knew I couldn't face that pain again.

This helped propel me to the level I am at now. I then decided to enter my first fitness competition in 2004-The Model America by Muscle Mania to gain exposure for my seminar training company Leading Edge Power. I train/speak about empowered living and how to achieve the life you desire. I thought that if I won this contest I would be able to prove that what I teach really works. I ended up winning Model America contest and then went on to win two more National Titles-World & Universe all back to back wins. This has not been done by anyone as of to day and I sit here the only fitness model to win three national titles. I even have a trophy for the Worlds Best Abs, all following the principles I teach.

Now the publicity is beyond my earlier expectations and I am speaking all over the world- I love it!

fitness-advice: What is the #1 thing you like best about being into fitness?


What I love about the fitness industry is that it is an industry driven by highly motivated, committed athletes who are always giving more than 100%. The finely sculpted athletes I get to work with are always achieving or reaching for higher levels of success. That's awesome to me. Nothing is more attractive to me than a driven individual who has sculpted their body to their personal perfection. And yes, I think the women in this industry are absolutely amazing! Yum!

fitness-advice What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?


My biggest accomplishment would have to be the fact that I am the only fitness model in the world to be holding three national fitness-modeling titles. I became aware of this at my last big win in Vegas, NV at the Mr. Olympia competition when the group of press came up to me and asked how it felt to be the only guy with two national titles, and now I had an opportunity to win a third. I felt excited and honored because every time I step on that stage I am always amazed at the level of competition I am up against. These are some seriously awesome physiques!

Eric Carlson - Fitness Model Questions & Answers

fitness-advice Fitness Question #1 - What is the best way to get started in the fitness modeling industry? Should I just contact the photographers directly or should I use an agency?


Read my book, "The Fitness Model Bible"!! This book has a complete lay out of how to break in to this highly competitive industry, but until you get the book, contact the photographers. These are the people you want to make friends with. Agencies can be help, but I find that I am my own best agent. I get more than 85% of my jobs through my own efforts. Be a master of self-publicity!

fitness-advice Fitness Question #2
- Please describe a typical day for you. What is your daily routine like?


First thing I do is wake up, drink a glass of Meta Greens and head out the door for a walk. I like to walk for 30-45 minutes just to get the blood flowing and my head ready for the day. I live at the beach so sometimes I walk the strand and sometime I walk the shore line watching the dolphins playing in the surf, yeah nice I know. I then usually come in an begin 15-20 minute meditation followed by a 10-15 minute visualization process. I visualize daily my goals, dreams, desires, etc. so my spirit and my mind are in alignment for what I want to create. I have them on 3x5 card to keep track.

Then it's off to the office which is about 10 feet from my kitchen in the back of my 1930's beach house. I sit here working till about 2-3pm daily only getting up every two hours to eat. Then around 3pm I head to Gold's Gym, Redondo for my afternoon workout. If I don't go to the gym I will go for a bike ride or a job on the sand. Then I clean up my day like email, phone calls, etc and end around 6 pm when I like to have a nice glass of red wine, cook and watch the sunset out of my front living room. A couple nights out of the week I like to play Xbox 360 online with some friends of mine. We play EA Sports NCAA Football 07' & Test Drive Unlimited while chatting with each other via headsets- so fun!

fitness-advice Fitness Question #3
- I don’t have that much time during the day to workout, so I really want to burn major calories in a short amount of time. What is the #1 “bang for the buck” cardio exercise I should do to burn serious calories?


If you are looking to just burn a high amount of calories fast then I recommend a spin class, stair stepper machine., or aerobics class. Getting the heart rate up quickly helps burn those calorie faster.

fitness-advice Fitness Question #4 - How much weight (pounds) should I focus on losing every week? What is a safe amount to make sure I keep it off?


The golden rule has been 1-2 pounds a week at a steady pace will help your bodies metabolism run more efficiently. Losing weight any faster will cause your body to rubber band back after you have taken it off so quickly.

fitness-advice Fitness Question #5 - What type of food or supplements should I take before and after my workouts to help me see results in gaining lean muscle and losing fat?


Ingesting a protein shake with say maybe a banana, or some oatmeal 30-minutes to an hour before your workout will ensure that your body has supplies on hand to begin repairing itself along with providing you with added energy supply.

fitness-advice Fitness Question #6 - How do you deal with cravings for junk foods, sweets and salty food? I can stay on a diet for maybe a few weeks but I eventually get really bad cravings and binge on snacks and fast foods.


I practiced myself into a place where I really don't enjoy these items so much in my diet. When I eat some sugar, or junk food I would feel pretty crappy. So after years of practicing to say no when I was strong enough help me become the disciplined eater I am today. If you have cravings try to fill those cravings with natural foods such as fruit, or berries.

fitness-advice Fitness Question #7 - I’m trying to create a healthy shopping list to stick with. What are some of the main foods I should include to maintain a lean and muscular physique?


Shop the perimeter of the grocery store where you can load up on veggies, fruits, whole grains, nuts, & lean meats. Avoid the middle of the store where you will find most foods are all processed. Brown rice, yams, sweet potatoes, fish, almonds, spinach, broccoli, chicken, egg whites, water are the basic essentials.

fitness-advice Fitness Question #8
- I’m about 35 pounds over weight. I have never started an exercise program and really don’t know where to start. What tips can you give me to get started on the right track?


Consult your physician and a personal trainer is your first steps. You would try to drive your car for the first time without an instructor so get a professional to help show you how to drive this awesome body. Tell the fitness professional your goals and have them create a map for success. Then stick to it!

fitness-advice Fitness Question #9 - I tend to eat out most of the time and really don’t know what healthy foods to order from the menu. What tips do you recommend for eating out at restaurants to make sure my diet will not suffer?


It's EASY to eat out! Look for grilled meats, fish and avoid all fried foods. Ask to be cooked without butter. Your side dishes should be veggies, salad, and maybe a small potato-plain. Avoid the bread & butter, don't even have it on the table. Use balsamic vinegar or a lemon to dress your salad.

fitness-advice Fitness Question #10 - What exercises do you recommend for getting a bigger, rounder and fuller butt?


Squats two ways legs wide toes out and toes straight. Lunges, butt blaster machines, dumbbell dead lifts, pile squats.

fitness-advice Fitness Question #11
- What is the most challenging thing you deal with about consistently staying in top shape?

Staying injury free is the most challenging thing I have to deal with. I surf, lift weights, mountain bike, climb rocks & trees, skateboard, etc.

fitness-advice Fitness Question #12
- Please describe your normal diet. What do you eat in a typical day to stay in shape?


Breakfast: Protein Shake with 1 ½ cup oats, 1 tbs. peanut butter, and 1 banana.

Mid-Morning Snack: 4-6 oz tofu, Tempeh, or tuna with 1 ½ cups brown rice and 1 cup spinach

Lunch: : 4-6 oz tofu, Tempeh, or tuna with 1 ½ cups brown rice and 1 cup spinach

Mid-Afternoon Snack: Protein Shake with 1 ½ cup oats, 1 tbs. peanut butter, and 1 banana.

Dinner: 4-6 oz tofu, Tempeh, or tuna with 1 ½ cups brown rice and 1 cup spinach

I eat 6-8 meals a day all pretty much the same thing.

fitness-advice Fitness Question #13 - What type of exercises do you include in your routine to stay in shape?


Strength Training Exercises: heavy weight training

Cardio Exercises: Stair stepper, bikes, treadmill, sprints, walks

Additional Training: surfing, mountain biking, rock climbing

fitness-advice Fitness Question #14
- What are the top 5 tips (specific exercises, diet advice, etc) you recommend for developing toned and defined arms?


1. Eat foods in there natural state
2. Avoid heavy condiments that have sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and salt.
3. Drink 80-100oz+ of water daily
4. Rotating hammer curls
5. Overhead tricep extension with a rope

fitness-advice Fitness Question #15 - What are your top 5 tips for losing unwanted body fat?

1. Eat foods in there natural state
2. Eat 4-8 small balanced meals all day
3. Avoid heavy condiments that have sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and salt.
4. Treadmill at "fat burning zone" heart rate for 45-60 minutes 5+ days a week
5. Sprints!!

fitness-advice Fitness Question #16
- What are your top 5 tips for gaining lean muscle mass?

1. Eat-Grow!
2. Eat 6-8 balanced meals a day (not snacks-meals)
3. Eat at the body weight you WANT to BE, not as you are now.
4. 1.5-2.0+ grams of protein per pound of DESIRED body weight
5. 2-3g+ carbohydrates per pound of DESIRED body weight

fitness-advice Fitness Question #17
- What are the top 5 tips you recommend for staying motivated on a fitness plan and truly making a healthy lifestyle change:

1. Cut out images of desired body and put your face on this picture so your mind sees where you are going all the time.

2. Find an outfit you want to where and look GREAT in! Buy it an hang it where you can see it daily.

3. Be around other motivated individuals

4. Read, listen, or watch information that helps increase self confidence

5. Know that you CAN get to where ever you want to be from where you are at.

fitness-advice Fitness Question #18
- What is your training routine like? (Please include a few details - training split, sets/reps, exercises, types of cardio, etc.)

Monday: Chest & Triceps heavy 10, 8, 8, 6, 4-6
Tuesday: Cross training mountain bike, sprints, hike
Wednesday: Leg day (10, 8, 8, 6, 4-6)
Thursday: Cross training mountain bike, sprints, hiking
Friday: Shoulder & traps (10, 8, 8, 6, 4-6)
Saturday: REST
Sunday: Back & biceps (10, 8, 8, 6, 4-6)

fitness-advice Fitness Question #19 - What are the top 5 tips (specific exercises, diet advice, etc) you recommend for losing fat around the stomach and developing a toned and defined midsection?


1. Eat foods in their natural state
2. Avoid heavy condiments that have sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and salt.
3. Drink 80-100oz+ of water daily
4. Crunch's, leg lifts, 4-5 days a week
5. Treadmill 45-60 minutes daily

fitness-advice Fitness Question #20
- What are the top 5 tips (specific exercises, diet advice, etc) you recommend for toning the thighs, hips and butt?

1. Step class women always seem to have the best bodies!
2. Squats 20, 15, 15, 10, 10, 8
3. Walking Lunges with barbell 4-5 sets of twenty steps
4. Leg extension, hamstring curl, calf raises
5. Slow jogging on treadmill backed by stairs stepper!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Student Body Preview - Third Episode

Exciting Episode 3 this Sunday! Sunday 8 p.m EST/ 5 P.M. PST.... Thanks for watching.


<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">Student Body Preview - Third Episode</a>

Eric Carlson

Live Your Dreams!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Connex 24/7 Interview with Eric Carlson

Edward: Hey Eric, welcome to Connex247 family!! Tell us: who is Eric Carlson? How do you describe yourself?

Eric Carlson: I would describe myself as an extremely energetic guy who is loving every minute of his life. I truly wake up everyday excited about what the Universe will bring me this day to play & interact with. Writing books, speaking to audience's, training camps, and working with the fitness industry keeps my plate full with a plethora of great things to for me to create with. I am loving life.

Edward: You have such a terrific background. World Fitness Model and World best abs 2006, Fitness Model Universe 2005, Model America 2004 and cover of lots of fitness magazines!! Tell us about those experiences and how did all started?

Eric Carlson: Thank you for asking, I am very proud of the fact that I am the only fitness model currently in the world to hold three-National Fitness Modeling Titles. How that all started was strong desire to become more than I currently was in my life. I had been practicing a spiritually-empowered way of life for many years now and everything was starting to really flow for me. I knew how powerful the media has become today so I wanted to gain some positive exposure for my expanding seminar training company Leading Edge Power, so I decided to find a very big challenge to bring attention to the teachings that are found in my seminars.

Eric Carlson: I saw a poster for the Fitness Model America Championships hosted by Muscle Mania, had a flash of insight, and later that was registered for my FIRST ever competition. I had know idea what I was doing, but what I teach is that "you can create anything you want in life" so I believed this and even though I didn't know a thing about competing, I knew somehow I would win that event.

I trust my intuition & started to focus daily with my visualization process and six months later I was standing there with a huge smile on my face, an extremely self-empowered feeling, and my first ever National Title- Model America 2004. People began to notice and soon I was asked to shoot for dozens of magazines, covers, infomercials, TV talk shows (like Ellen Degeneres) and print ads as the months followed.

I was asked a lot if I would compete again and my feeling was no, probably not. I didn't even commit to the Universe competition until 48 hours prior to the competition. I had been working with my visualization technuiqe in one experience I saw myself winning the Universe title. I popped out of that meditation and jump on the phone to call Louis Zwick from Muscle Mania to see if I could still get on stage in 48 hours if I hopped a plane from LA to Miami?

Eric Carlson: I was told as long as I made the early morning meeting at 7am Saturday, I could compete. I made it to Miami around 11 pm Friday night and before a whole 24 hours had passed I was again smiling while being handed my second National Title- Model Universe 2005. I again trusted my intuition and everything lined up perfectly for me.

Again on the talk shows & interviews I was asked if i would compete for 3rd title? Naw, I'm retired I'd say. I did say that if their was an invitation only competition for some of the best, then maybe. Then Clark Bartram at his Golden State FAME Show created the World's Best AB's competition and because I love & respect Clark's work so much, I agreed to compete. That is where I picked up the Worlds Best AB's trophy.

I then went to cheer on my buddy Matus who was competing here in my town of Hermosa Beach, CA and back stage he mentioned a new fitness modeling competition that was going to be at the Olympia this year, World's Fittest Model 2006. That was exciting to me because I have always wanted to go to the Olympia to see these top level athletes compete.

Eric Carlson: This was an audition process from city to city and the company, Hard Body Entertainment, had already passed through L.A. so I missed my shot at a live audition. I sent in my audition information with a few shots of me in the backyard to the company via their sign up process online.

8 weeks later I get call saying I have been chosen from over 1000 athletes to compete at the Olympia Fitness Model Championships. Talk about an exciting call! They only pick 15 men & 15 women from 1000's of applications. I was honored. By the end of this exciting weekend I was awarded first place for the World's Fittest Model. This wild ride has kept me very busy with magazines, seminars, interviews, and TV appearance's. I am so grateful for everything!

Edward: Whats your secret to be in a good shape and what´s the part of your body u like most and why?

Eric Carlson: My secret to being in good shape always is being consistent with my diet, exercise, mediation-visualization, and play time. I eat for a purpose 90% of the time. I know how much protein, carbs, and fat, vitamin, minerals, and supplements I need daily to run a peak performance so maintain a routine. Best part of my body i would have to say my abs. Lean, muscular and cut.

Edward: What´s fame and success for you? And if you could choose 3-5 important things for your life and 3 amazing places around the world to have fun, which one you´d choose and why?

Eric: Fame and success means I have the opportunity to share with others the amazing possibilities we all have to create the life we desire. Having fame opens a door and creates a platform for which I can choose to stand on to say "hey, life is good. Life is supposed to be fun. I did it, so can you!"

Eric Carlson: When people see that someone no better them or than anyone else was able to focus his attention so diligently that he was able to create everything he said he would, people then have hope that they to can have anything they want in life.. Success, well that has to come in all seven areas of life I think, lack in one area and then other parts of your life may become unstable or unsuccessful. Success is being happy, prosperous, and free.

Edward: What do u think about having fans from different parts of the world with such unique life styles, cultures and so on? How do u rate importance about it?

Eric Carlson: I love having fans from all over the world! I think it is so cool that a guy or girl sends me an email from the far reach's of the planet to say hello & thanks for the inspiration. These people are very important to me, if one of those individuals becomes inspired to a new way of life because he/she saw a photo of mine, read my books, saw this interview, etc. that is awesome to me! Think about the people they will influence and so on....

Edward: And talking about fans, just imagine a situation: You are anonymous in a crowd. Nobody notices you. Then all of a sudden, a fan approaches you and reveals to others that you are a model from a popular fashion campaign. The excitement takes over and the crowd gets wild. How would you handle it?

Eric Carlson: I would look them all in the eyes best I can and "say it is a pleasure to meet you all," I would then look for key people I usually have around me anyways to start to clear some space for me so we can greet these fans properly. If it becomes to out of hand, I feel no worries that I will be taken from the scene to a calmer location until things calm down.

Edward: What do you think about modeling world? As a model u think u´ve already achieved your main purposes in the modeling market? If not, which modeling agencies, fashion campaigns and designers u´d like to work for?

Eric Carlson: I think the modeling world is great, fun times. You really get to meet some great people from all walks of life. There can be fun travel, fun people to work with, and it is cool when people walk up say, "hey aren't you?" Learning patientce is crucial in this business, and leaving the ego at the door is a must. God made us beautiful according to societies image of what is beautiful, we just get to enjoy the ride-be nice.

I will continue to model for the sheer fun of it, especially for fitness magazines and covers. Media is the king.

Edward: Do you think we now live in a better world concerning issues like family, religion, race, freedom and sexual behavior?

Eric Carlson: I think there is no better time to be on this planet than now. I do believe we are now a society that has been trained to focus all of our attention on the things we DO NOT want in life. We are taught/trained by our religions, our parent, the media, and the government to focus what is not working, instead of focusing on what we would like to happen. Thats why the sick are getting sicker, the poorer are getting poorer, wars are breaking out at home and across the globe, and why the most powerful entity on the planet is a religious organization-FEAR.

FEAR conquers all and we are now a society afraid of standing up for our individual right to feel good, and to enjoy life. I think that's why there is so much chaos happening today. I think everyone knows their are inherently supposed to feel good, and when they look out into the world it becomes hard if almost not impossible to do so. I believe this extreme contrast we are now seeing is giving birth to a new era for humanity. I feel this shift so let it be easy, don't fight what is.

Edward: Eric, thanks so much for sharing your story with us. Tell us about your website and your expectations for this year

Eric Carlson: MY website is www.EricCarlsonFitness.com, or you can find me on my space. This year I have release my first publication called thewww.FitnessModelBible.com which everyone is grabbing up now. This book was fun to right because I know so many people want to be successful in life and they just don't know how to take the first step. This book lays out a step by step system to achieving this. It has my meal plans, workouts, "black book" of contacts, my ab training guide, and more.

I also plan to travel to most of the major fitness shows across the country so look for me and come say hi, I love meeting new people.

For more info please visit www.EricCarlsonFitness.com

Student Body- Sneak Peak Episode 3

Sink or Swim!?

<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">Sink or Swim</a>

eric carlson


Student Body- What is it like to be big?

In this Student Body extra: The team members make it clear that losing weight isn't just about being healthy

<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">What is it Like to be Big?</a>

Go Nuts, Live Your Dreams!
eric carlson

Student Body Extra- Casting Tapes

In this Student Body extra: Meet the team members before they were on the teams, and see them lay ... out their dreams of change. Look for behind the scenes footage coming soon!

<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">The Casting Tapes</a>

Eric Carlson- Student Body Trainer

Student Body 1st Episode Recap

This is a Re-cap of the 1st episode of Student Body, by The-N. Introduces the kids, Eric Carlson & Sam Upton along with host Laila Ali.

<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">First Episode Recap</a>

Love this Life

Eric Carlson

Student Body- Fighting for Change

The meltdowns, the fear, and the fight are all worth it for the change. See new episodes of Student Body every Sunday @ 8pm ET, only on The N.
<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">Fighting for Change</a>

Life is Fun!
eric carlson

Student Body New Banner

This is a new banner I found today for Student Body. That Me, Laila Ali, and Sam Upton. We all had such a great time working together. Laila Ali is such a sweetheart... but she can be tough with the Student Body teens when then needed it.

Stay tuned for more updates and behind the scenes goodies...

Life is Good

eric carlson

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Student Body Behind the Scenes... Day 1.

I recorded this video the night before we started taping the show. I had not yet met the kids at this point.

I have more videos and photos from our taping... keep an eye out... I can only release some as the show progress's.

eric carlson

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Eric Carlson

Author, Speaker, Fitness Celebrity
America, World, & Universe Fitness Model Champion


The Gregory Mantell Show -- Eric Carlson: Transforming Your Body, Part 1

"Twelve years ago, he was wasting away from an illness and nearly dead. Today, Eric Carlson is a world champion fitness model. Find out how h...all » Twelve years ago, he was wasting away from an illness and nearly dead. Today, Eric Carlson is a world champion fitness model. Find out how he transformed his mind and body--and how you can, too! Gregory Mantell has been called one of the best interviewers in America. The Gregory Mantell Show is a weekly 1/2-hour cable TV talk show that airs in LA and New York. The program focuses on experts, the entertainment industry, and health & fitness."

Eric Carlson

Author, Speaker, Fitness Celebrity
America, World, & Universe Fitness Model Champion


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

World Champion fitness model Eric "Erock" Carlson is back, and he sticks an arrow in Greg's throat! Dyanna checks out Erock's abs and determines that he is ready for the best abs in the business contest. Plus, Eric has more great advice about how to get the body you've always wanted.

Eric Carlson

Author, Speaker, Fitness Celebrity
America, World, & Universe Fitness Model Champion


Show Quotes

"My style is going to be getting into their heads. I want them thinking and knowing that they can achieve anything, because I know they can." - Eric Carlson

"With me in the driver’s seat, failure is not an option and I will not give up on them and there’s no way I’ll let them give up on themselves." - Sam Upton

Change doesn’t come easy." - Tana

"I totally love Laila Ali, so whatever she has us do, I am up for it." - Wayne

Go Nuts, Live Your Dreams!

Eric Carlson

Author, Speaker, Fitness Celebrity
America, World, & Universe Fitness Model Champion

What are these kids eating?"

Here Sam & I are in shock by what our teams have been eating. As we look at our teams food journals, we find them eating all the wrongs foods... did they not hear us?

Everyone, if you want to lose weight, or maintain your bodies muscle mass, you must be eating small meal throughout the day. No binge eating... this leads to starvation mode which causes you body to store fat!

As a general rule eat:

3 balanced meals which contain protein, complex carbs, and good fats.
2 snacks consisting of healthy whole foods.

Avoid ALL processed food... period!

sam &amp; eric

Go Nuts, Live Your Dreams!

Eric Carlson

Author, Speaker, Fitness Celebrity
America, World, & Universe Fitness Model Champion

Meet Team MacArthur

This is my team, Team MacArthur! Love these guys!

<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">Meet Team MacArthur</a>

Go Nuts, Live Your Dreams!

Eric Carlson

Author, Speaker, Fitness Celebrity
America, World, & Universe Fitness Model Champion

Meet Team Eisenhower

Meet Team Eisenhower with team trainer Sam Upton.

<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">Meet Team Eisenhower</a>

Go Nuts, Live Your Dreams!

Eric Carlson

Author, Speaker, Fitness Celebrity
America, World, & Universe Fitness Model Champion

$25,000 For Change!

Check the kids face's when they hear they have a chance to win $25,000!! Wow!

<<a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank">$25,000 for Change</a>

Go Nuts, Live Your Dreams!

Eric Carlson

Author, Speaker, Fitness Celebrity
America, World, & Universe Fitness Model Champion

12 Grueling Weeks

This preview shows a sneak peak at what these awesome kids went through!

&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank"&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;12 Grueling Weeks&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;

12 Grueling Weeks

Go Nuts, Live Your Dreams!

Eric Carlson
Author, Speaker, Fitness Celebrity
America, World, & Universe Fitness Model Champion

Student Body Premier July 11th!

Competition is tough. Change is TOUGHER. Host Laila Ali challenges twelve out-of-shape students to change their bodies and their lives. Eric Carlson & Sam Upton are the the trainers for each team.

Watch The N’s new reality series, STUDENT BODY, July 11 @ 10pm, with new episodes Sundays @ 8pm ET.

&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href="http://www.the-n.com/ntv/shows/index.php?id=722" target="_blank"&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;Student Body - Coming This Summer&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;Go Nuts, Live Your Dreams!

Eric Carlson
Author, Speaker, Fitness Celebrity
America, World, & Universe Fitness Model Champion