Saturday, August 9, 2008

This Line Sucks!

So I walk into WaMu bank and I am quick to notice that there is an amazing line that has backed up for the two tellers who were on that current shift. 2 tellers and 23 people standing in line trying to remain cool and calm.

I am one of those kind of people who see opportunity in a line and think, "oh nice, an opportunity to practice patients" and although I may be in a hurry to get somewhere, I have no other choice but to come back later or wait this line out.

As a few minutes pass I can feel the tension building as heads start to look around from back to the front of the line as almost if to notice if anyone else is feeling as impatient.

Not but a couple minutes later, and 5 new people added to the line...the comments start to fly... I won't bore you, but let's just say people were very frustrated and now shouting out comments that get more people riled up in line.

As others try to finally conduct their business with a free teller, others are popping out of line to give that teller another piece of their mind... again slowing the process for everyone.

What would you do? Do you possess the Zen like patients to wait out a long line while NOT joining others in misery and frustration. Are you one who has control over your thoughts an emotions?

A couple tips I see here.

1. Breath. Take a few deep breaths and slow down your mind for a moment. Allow all the "gotta dos" slip away from your mind so you have a calm peaceful place to maybe day-dream about something you would like to experience.

2. DO NOT jump on bandwagons that causes MORE frustration. Allow others to feel what they feel, they do have a right to feel bad or worse if they choose to. Stay in your own space and find a better feeling thought.

3. Be patient with yourself and everyone else one around you. Do this FOR YOU... not for their real benefit, but so YOU can have a happier day because you CHOSE to.

Remember that Happiness is a Choice. So is Suffering.

What are you going to choose in this moment?

life is good,

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