Sunday, October 12, 2008

Walk and Stay Fit

Walking is a great exercise. Walking improves your heart rate since it circulates the blood to whole of the body and maintains good health by controlling weight, strengthening heart and bones, and reducing cholesterol.
Study reveals that walking for 45 minutes to 1 hour a day itself can drastically reduce fat to a high extent. Walking can be considered as breathing. It is a good aerobic activity that introduces you to other activities. However fitness trends go, walking is inexpensive and pretty much open to all ages. You can walk anytime and almost anywhere you like to go.

Did you know that walking up the stairs to a fifth-floor office adds 500 steps? And if you park your car in the farthest corner of the parking lot, you could tack on another 500?

Every step you take also improves your health by controlling weight, strengthening heart and bones, and reducing cholesterol.

Here are some of the benefits of Walking:

1. Walking is good for the heart.
2. Walking helps overcome depression.
3. Walking helps to burn fat.
4. Walking helps over come sleeplessness.
5. Walking helps to increase the body activity and provides flexibility.
6. Walking helps fight against stress and aids in relaxation.
7. Walking improves the posture.

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