Sunday, October 12, 2008

Back Exercises for Women

Women do a lot of exercise to prevent back pains and to get fit and energetic in life. Hence here is way to discover the Back exercises and workouts designed for women and get her energy back.

Back Training is considered to be very difficult due to the fact that the back cannot be seen directly while working out. Therefore, it is important that women should develop a connection of mind and muscle. The women should focus on contracting the muscles harder especially at the top of the contraction for 1-2 seconds.

Now it is time to understand and implement the back exercises which can be the cheapest return of money over energy.

* Chin Ups – The Chin Ups are one of the most important exercises to build Back muscles. Chin Ups should be performed in regular intervals to make the best returns for your gym time so don’t commit mistake on this regards. Chin Ups is the best exercise for you entire upper body and shoulder girdle.

* Lat Pull downs - They are an alternative to chin ups to build and widen the Upper lats.

* One arm Rows - This is an excellent exercise as it forces your body to develop bilateral strength and also makes up for any muscle imbalances.
* Bent Over Barbell Row - The Bent-Over Row builds thickness in the upper back and uses the lower back and abs to stabilize the body during the movement.
* Seated Rows - As already mentioned it is more of an isolated exercise for middle back and you can add it for variety.

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